Friday, August 9, 2013

First Class Activity for Principle of Design :)

This are the first class activity for my Principle of Design lesson. Our pretty lecturer, Ms.Lisa, has given us a 'mission' after she introduced herself which we have to do a mind map and a self-portrait that combined with natural material. Basically, first class is all about self-discovery and asked ourselves, "Who am I"? So we have to go around the university to search any materials that comes from nature or trashes. For examples, dried leaves, grass, branches, leftover cardboard paper which are useless and so forth. This activity needs to complete it within 2 hours and it does sound interesting for me because we can explore outside and choose any natural materials we want based on our own creativity and combine it to our work.

So this are my mind map that i had created without any natural materials. It's because i really wasted to much time and effort on drawing that little anime "Hatsune Miku", on the center of my mind map but luckily i managed to draw out of it within the limited time. I have written down about my favourite foods, books and movies. Of course, i had also wrote about what i hate, my birthday date, and where i live though i'm not really sure where i was born (I always forgot and confused about it). I do love everything about Japan, not just their culture but also their food! Furthermore, I do wrote about the reason i choose FID. The reason are simple, I love drawing and likes to look at those fascinating and awesome drawing by many amazing artists. However, FID is not my first choice, be a veterinarian is my wish to be because i love animals but i couldn't achieved it.

So here is it, my personal mind map although I didn't write all about me yet I'm still enjoy this activity. :)

The next picture is my self-portrait which i had added few dried leaves to act it as a ribbon. I never draw myself before, not even once so I drew this self-portrait in a anime or a cartoon-look.

So these are the work that I created within 2 hours in my first class activity for Principle of Design class.

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