Friday, September 27, 2013

Assignment 3 has begun!!- Paper Cutouts

THIS IS SPARTA!! Oopss.. I should write it, THIS IS AWESOME! :)

This is just the beginning for the Principles Of Design. After we had presented our assignment 2 last week, the assignment 3 arrived. This assignment is about the Paper cutouts. Ms Lisa showed us some of the design done by our seniors and it was freaking awesome!! Then, Ms Lisa has gave us a talk about the Principle of Design and we should always remember and take note of the Unity and Variety, Balance, Scale and Proportion, Rhythm and Repetition in our designs.

Actually, the paper cutouts are quite similar to the steam punk art movement. Ms Lisa asked us about the Themes and Concept and we have to do a mind map to create a themes for our paper cutout designs. Urghh~ To be honest, I'm suck on doing a mind map.

Then, we have to do an assignment where basically have to choose one of the theme which you preferred the most and make it on the paper cutouts. :)


  1. Create 2 different artwork(A4) using paper cutout and collage techniques
  2. It can be in any color you wish
  3. 1 artwork should represent Balance and Symmetry.
  4. 1 artwork should represent Dominance, Space and Weight.
  5. Dateline: 8th October 
I chose Gardens as my theme for the paper cutouts because I like the style of the British gardens. I don't know why but it always gives me some unique feels on it. And of course, I do like the garden styles of other countries too. Anyway, I think it will look awesome if it can turn out to be successful cutouts. :)

So, here's what I done on the day. I did 5 sketches based on my theme, Gardens. By the way, please forgive me for my awful sketches.

Sketch #1,  Sketch #2

Sketch #3,  Sketch #4

Sketch #5

Ms Lisa chose sketch 5 as my asymmetrical and for the symmetrical, I need to work more on it. So, I decided to use sketch 1 or sketch 4 as my symmetrical cutouts and add more details on it to make it look more mature and not childish anymore.

Ms.Lisa also told us that after this assignment, we will feel comfortable with handling with blades. Oh yeahh~ teehee :)

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