Sunday, October 13, 2013

Life is Full of Colors!! :)


- Hue is another word for color. 
- Typically described the name of the color
- Example: red, blue, yellow, green, orange
- It is the colors which is out of the light spectrum.
- Without adding tint or shade on it.
Hue = Color :)

- Value is important in art because we see object and identify the object by how dark or light of the object. 
- Value is the element of art that associated with darkness or the lightness of the color.
- Value also included shadows, darkness, contrast and light.

Value from light to dark

Example of the values
Credits to: Ansel Adams, The Tetons and the Snake Rivers(1942)

Credits to:

- To purify or intensity of the color from bright to dull chromatic purity.
- Bright means full saturation, dull means low saturation.
- The vivid color means high saturated color and the dull color means low saturation color
- The higher the saturation of a color, the more pure the color will be.

There are 2 types of saturation:
  • Saturated colors: Intense or high- intensity. The color is sharp and usually straight out of the paint tube.
  • Unsaturated colors: Low-intensity and the color is smoky and muddy.


Secondary Colors
- Secondary color is the color which created by mixing 2 primary colors together. 
- The secondary colors are green, orange and violet. 

Red (Primary) + Blue (Primary) = Violet (Secondary)
Yellow (Primary) + Blue (Primary) = Green (Secondary)
Red (Primary) + Yellow (Primary) = Orange (Secondary)

Primary and Secondary Colors

Tertiary Colors
- Created when a primary color mixed with a secondary color.
- The tertiary colors are red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow green, blue-green, blue-purple and red-purple

Red + Orange = Red-Orange
Yellow + Orange = Yellow-Orange
Yellow + Green = Yellow-Green
Blue + Green = Blue-Green
Blue + Purple = Blue-Purple
Red + Purple = Red-Purple


Analogous color
- A group of colors that are next to each other on the color wheel.
- Examples: yellow, yellow-orange, orange


- Color which has been added white color to the hue color to make it lighter.
- Example: Pink color is the tint of red color, light blue is the tint of blue color.

- Color which has been added black color to the hue color to make it 
- Example: Maroon is the shade of red color, Navy is the shade of blue color.

- Mix the white and black color to form grey.
- Color which has been added grey.
- More complex and sophisticated

Examples for Tint, Shade and Tones
Monochrome color
-Only one color of different values in a paint or pictures.


Colors have temperature too!! They can be known as cold and warm depending on the colors. :)

Color Temperature

Warm colors
Colors that are vivid, energetic, heat, warmth and the relative of visual temperature that makes them seem warm
Examples: Red, orange, yellow

Warm color in Art

Warm color in Interior Design

Cold colors
Colors that give impression of calm, soothing, cold and relaxing to viewers.
Examples: Blue, green, violet

credits: Iris Scott
Cold Color in Art

Cold color in Interior Design

Color Representation

1. Royalty and Regality
Purple color- Because purple elite status stem from the rarity and cost of the dye originally used to produce it. During the Ancient Roman Times, purple fabric used to be so outrageously expensive that only King, Queen and other rulers could afford it. Besides, Queen Elizabeth forbid anyone to wear it except close members of the Royal Family. So the color reflected  as the regal status


2. Freshness
Green color- Because green is the nature's color and nature gives us freshness and harmony. By seeing the green color, you can also feel relaxation and it's good for your eyes too! :)



3. Passion
Red color- Because red associated with energy, war, power, strength,  passion and desire. Red color is also a very emotionally intense color.


Saturday, October 12, 2013

Assignment 3- Paper Cutouts Final Results :D

When I was cutting these, I was nearly faint due to the thick of the black paper that I bought are quite hard to cut and it had caused my blade blunt and my hand were twisted. However, I had to complete two of my paper cutouts with the theme 'Garden' with my twisted hand and I did it!! :D 

Fig 1- 1st paper cutout: Asymmetrical Cutout

This is the garden which I had added a classic or a vintage garden bench and two cats. To make it more mature, I drew the cats tail joined together and make it a love shape. I also try to design the branches and leaves to be more classic and details just to challenge myself. By the way, there's a squirrel on the tree. Spot it! :) 

Fig 2- 2nd paper cutout: Symmetrical Cutout

This is the symmetrical cutout which I basically added the cats.. AGAIN!? Besides, I decided to put the white color fences at the back to make it look more like gardens style and I added the swing which tied on the branches. I followed my pretty lecturer'suggestion and that is put the background color as baby blue or peach color. So I chose baby blue as the background color and it looks perfectly matched thanks to Ms.Lisa. Moreover, I feel that is not enough design on it so I added a speech bubble with a quiver music note inside of it and put it on top of the cat. I chose red color for music note just to make a little stand out for my design and to be honest, I got this idea the day before presentation. :)

On the presentation, most of my friends really done a fantastic job for the paper cutouts and compared to their works, I feel like mine was a little simple so I was't really happy for my work. I think I could done better than this. 

My pretty lecturer, Ms.Lisa reviewed my paper cutouts and she said she preferred my figure 2 cutout because it's cute. For the figure 1, she said that is very nice yet the cutting skill at the bench was poor because the cutting wasn't clean and clear due to my blunted blade. 

However, through out this assignment, I know how to use and control the blade more efficiently now. Maybe I should try using knife and do fruits cutout or vegetables cutout since I'm a little good to handling blade, I might able to control knife as well. 

How I cut my Symmetrical paper cutout:
1. Draw half of your design on the black color paper
2. Cut out your design
3. Draw the outline of your design at the butter paper
4. Flip your butter paper's back to the front. It will end up become your design is below
5. Using pencils and shade the back of your design which is at the butter paper
6. Put the shaded butter paper onto the back of your black color paper
7. Follow the outline and trace it at the back of the black color paper
8. Then cut out both side of black color paper and you'll get a symmetrical design :)

I used different method to do this because I don't wish to fold my paper into half and leave a deep line on my products. :)

Lessons of the Assignment!!
I learnt how to be more Patient with my assignment. Honestly, I accidentally cut off many of my tree leaves for the figure 1, Asymmetrical cutout. Basically, you can see that my tree was a bit bold. Teehee :) 

Next is Time Management. Never ever do your assignment at last minute because it'll just make your paper cutout looks horrible and incomplete. Time management really are important. I need to calculate how long I need to take to complete one product. If you didn't analyze or manage your time well, it really drives you crazy in the end and you'll go simply cut it. 

Determination is also the key in this assignment. During sketching, I just draw what I want in the sketchbook without determine it. I did not realize and didn't ask myself, " How am I suppose to handle the branches and leaves?". In the end, I had wasted my precious time thinking on it.  sob* :'(

Well, after completed my final products, I only feel like half satisfying because I think I can go further than this. 

No Pain No Gain.


 I used my products and added some pictures effect just for fun. By looking at this, makes me wanna try sketch or paint out my products.  Teehee :)