Thursday, November 21, 2013

Assignment 4- Face Cutouts! :)

For the color, I get my inspiration from one of my Facebook friend, she took a picture with many clowns and that where I get my inspiration. However, I still pick the color that I like because I don't wish to copy the object that has been made by others. Besides, clown needs to be very colorful and funky so just added lots of color will do. Here's the picture of it. :)

Credits: the owner, one of my FB friend.

We need to build a mock-up of the face cutouts structure before we build the real size one. We had spent about 3 hours to build this little thing and we thought it looks pretty good even if it was in small size. I had drawn this little clown for the mock-up. Since it called clown, I mixed several colors on it so that it would give a cheerful look. Besides, it can either hold the balloons, colorful umbrella or juggler ball. (It's so hard to choose)  :)

My Sketch :)

I changed the clown a little because it will be too tall if my clown standing on the ball. So when I draw it on the mock-up, it looks like this,

Mock-up shorty clown? :)

And when all combined together, our mock-up looks perfect! :D

Full view mock-up :)

Can't wait to see it in life size, 6 feet tall! BRING IT ON! Teehee :)

No More Ticket Booth!?

Unfortunately, our previous object, ticket booth which will be built for the Carnival day was sadly put aside because Ms. Lisa and the class decided to make them more functional rather than just a decorative structures. Then we changed to face cutouts after long consideration.

The plan is using lots of huge cardboard and different pieces of board combined together like a hamburger and draw the carnival characters like clowns, magicians, and others on the mahjong papers. Then cut out their faces so it allows people to place their heads there and take pictures. Well, I think this are more functional compared to ticket booth but I do think ticket booth is the ART and a design student should build out. Lastly, no more cookie for everyone. :(

Edited by me :P

By the way, here's the last thing we should remember for our ticket booth...

                   TEEHEE :)
credits by me.

Assignment 4- Color Theory!!

So basically after we had learn and understand about color terms, we need to apply the color theory into our practice. As usual, my pretty lecturer, Ms Lisa asked us to build a sculptures that apply with the color theory. We thought of many themes like food, desserts, carnival, body parts, mechanisms, and even pokemon! :D

But in the end, we had narrowed it down to two and that is Carnival theme or Desserts theme. (No pokemon :'( sob*)

Banana Splits and Doodle Train :)

Actually there's one more which is marshmallow but i forgot to draw it out. Teehee~ :)

At last, we chose Carnival over Desserts, even though I felt wanna do BOTH! However, when Ms. Lisa asked us to vote for which theme we will go for it, the situation when voting for Carnival theme was like...

So obviously Desserts theme doesn't stand any chances at all. After this, we are going to build out and make it BIG, LARGE and AWESOME! The class has divided into 6 groups with 5 or 6 members each and we will start this project. Basically our group will be doing the ticket booth, without selling tickets but maybe would handling out cookies.It will be about 6 feet tall for the ticket booth because we wanted people to go inside that booth and just to make it an interactive exhibition.

Things are getting really interesting since we'll gonna build a HUGE objects. There's one group had to make a Ferris Wheel which is about 10 feet tall. Hmm.. I wonder if they're able to make it or not since it was a huge object but design student never easily giving up! :)

Right now, we will need to think about the materials to construct it and also the entire structure of the ticket booth. :)