Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Assignment 4- Final Project Video :)

Here's the video which has summarized the entire project, all the planning and the execution part is in the video below! check it out :)

Credit for making the video: Vanessa, our leader :)
Pictured from: Every members in my group :)

Gan Sze Jia
FID July'13

-------2014, new class start again! It was about 2D Design :)------
Check this link-----> http://designjoyfun2.blogspot.com/ <--------

Assignment 4- Submission Day!! :D

For 4 weeks and more Ms.Lisa had given us to make our face cutouts a success which is about 30 day, that is 720 hours which is total 43 200 minutes! We thought we''re unable to finish it on time since it happens many error while doing it. Unfortunately...........(swt*)   WE DID IT! :D

We manage to finish everything just in time. Although the mineral boxes could not really hold the weight of all the cutouts, its still looked good and awesome. This was the final outcome after we spend time, effort and sweat to built it. :)

The outcome was way better than we expected though. 

One of our group member started to play it. :D

Ms. Lisa is the Magician! :D

Besides our group paper cutouts, other groups also did a very good job. This is the Ferris Wheel made by Assel's group. The members are Jessy, Yi Qin, Yueh, Bryan, Michelle and Pei Yan.

Great work isn't it? :)

The next one is the Bumper Cars by Danny, Arif, Jason, Aliya and Dini. The used 4 'lazy susans' which is a brilliant idea to make the cars to spin and even the base.

so cute, feel like wanna sit inside. :)

This is Test Your Strength structure made by Chloe, Aaron, Amy, Jia Chen and Cheryl which was actually worked..for two times and later their structure was under maintenance again. Poor structure hit too hard by Arif.

Next is the interactive balloon game by Afie, Jia Ni, Yazmin, Faizah and Eza. Everyone participated in this and a had nice experience on throwing darts onto the acrylic color-filled balloons. In the end, this will become the work of arts on the canvas board.

Faizah gave me a poker face? :P

And the final outcomes is...

 Designer's style!! 

Wulala!!~ Nice piece of Art! Anyone wanna buy it? LOL :)

Mystery person appeared!! Who is it? A ghost?!

Nah, it was June who covering the raincoat! :)

All in all, it was really a fun final project. Everyone really do enjoyed it on that day. By the way, I even took a picture of my pretty lecturer, Ms. Lisa, when she's watching them throwing the darts. :)

I'm using the Rules Of Thirds to take this picture, Ms.Lisa! Is it works? :D

After the mini carnival, we'll have to clean up the mess that we had done on the studio. Seriously, to create an awesome artwork or design, their studio will never be clean and tidy...Don't freak out after watch these pictures. Caused by every groups and even Seniors. :P

I don't know why but I really wanna take this picture that time. Looks pretty cool so I just took this angle. :)

Please don't think we are wasting the Uhu glue :P

Our final assignment finally ends! Yay!!! It's time to relax after working for so long and non-stop, I went to Pizza Cottage and had my dinner. :)

End For The Day!! :D

Assignment 4- Extreme Workout!

The students most fear of it...Deadline is coming! Deadline is coming! All of us really starting to rush out our cutouts. Thanks to Ms. Lisa that have extended our deadline for another week. We had been working out our cutouts at the design studio for like everyday.

After we stick our mahjong paper on the styrofoam board, we'll start to cut the color paper according to what we had did on the mock-up and stick onto it.

Vanessa helping out my clown design.

And I'm helping June's feather girl. :)

Vanessa helped everyone to color the skin color of their cutout.

Later on, I went back to do my own clown since I haven't done mine too! teehee :D

Busying :)

Everyone were doing their own cutouts right now. It's time to be serious since we're out of time. >.<"

Currently everything is progressing but we still think that it might not enough time to complete. So Vanessa and I were staying at the design studio until late night to rush the project. 

Busying with her chainsaw 

I'm helping out with Vanessa's design of the magician box :)

Vanessa helping me out with my clown's hair :)


In progress..can't wait for it!

So basically, both of us really stayed at the studio from 9a.m in the morning till 2a.m midnight which means we were actually worked this cutouts for 17 hours straight! 

Yes, we got bored and we used the extra pieces of paper for the magician's expression. To be honest, that is the expression that we put on our face as well. =.="

The worst is my phone battery ran out which makes me crazy at night. The second worst is got people came to my hostel room to spray the control pest stuff and I'm not allowed to go in my room for 6 hours. :'(

After sticking the color and others, I'll start cutting out the styrofoam at the face part and other extra places. However, after over worked out until midnight, with a tired and not enough sleep, people's mood really do change.. so for the first cut, I stab onto the clown's face mercilessly. 

Sorry, my Mr. Clown :P

I went back to my room about 2.30am and I need to start cleaning and wiping my whole room since the control-pest stuff was quite poisonous. I finished cleaning my room later and that time was already 4am. Extremely tired I really am.  :(

Monday, December 16, 2013

Assignemnt 4- Preparation..

Ms. Lisa had given about two weeks for us to build our face cutouts same for the other groups as well. It really seemed impossible to completed it but thank god, I was in the same group with June, Vanessa, Shazreen, Kanis and Yasmin because we were all very cooperative and work together with a teamwork spirit! :) We all took the school bus to Sunway Pyramid together and bought the materials that we might need from Popular's store.We bought about 11 pieces of Styrofoam boards as the supports for the cutouts and others back to campus by taxi.

Since we need to find boxes, I asked the 7 Eleven's staff whether they could give us those boxes since they put it in a big plastic bag and left it at the corner there like a trash. The staff generous enough and called me just take it. The staff even say jokes to me, "No need to pay, if you want, one box for 5 cent." LOL

took from the 7 Eleven's staff :)

And it's time for us to get STARTED! :)

We estimated our cutout's height would be about 5 feet and a half which means 2 piece and a half piece of mahjong paper combined as the average height of a person. It isn't that easy since I'm not good at measuring the proportion of human figure nor cartoon figure, so it's quite challenging to estimate the character's hands and legs.

We're tracing out our tiny scale drawing onto huge paper.

After while, we started have some fun with these boxes. :P

We're enjoying!! :D